Sometimes plans change, and if you need to request a refund for your NFL+ subscription, we're here to help! Just follow the specific steps below based on your purchase platform. Please note that refunds are granted based on our eligibility criteria, so be sure to review our refund policy for details before proceeding. We're happy to guide you through the process every step of the way!
If you purchased NFL+ from the web and would like to request a refund:
Please reach out to our customer support team through the chat button at the bottom right.
If you purchased NFL+ as an in-app purchase and would like to request a refund:
You will need to reach out directly to the app store where you made your purchase to request a refund. Please click on the respective biller for further help:
* NFL+ is available in the United States only. For users outside of the United States, please visit DAZN
* NFL+ is not available in US territories.
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