For Users who are unable to see a league:
- Confirm that the correct account is being viewed by ensuring you are using the email address used for signing up.
- In the app, swipe left or right on the team names to switch leagues. On the site, select the league name drop-down to the top right of the page. To change the league display order, go to the SET LEAGUE DISPLAY ORDER page.
- Users without a password or access to the email account associated with an account will not be able to access You may want to create a new account with an email address for which you have an access to.
- NFL-Managed leagues do not carry over from year to year.
Please note that if the email you have associated with your social provider is different than the email associated with your current NFL account, you will be prompted to start a new account. Do not create a new account if you wish to link a current NFL account with a social provider. Please verify and change either your social provider email or NFL account email so that they match and then follow the steps above. If you accidentally created a new account with NFL, please let us know, and we will take appropriate steps to help link your accounts.
If you are experiencing issues with Social Login on NFL or your social provider, you can always click "Forgot Password" to reset your password and be able to login.
In a custom fantasy league, the League Manager could use the Edit Team Managers tool to remove your old account and send an invitation to the email address associated with your new account at the same time.
Remember most issues are corrected by resetting apps and/or clearing browser data (choose from the beginning of time).
* NFL+ is available in the United States only. For users outside of the United States, please visit DAZN
* NFL+ is not available in US territories.
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